Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Lockdown II

It is the 19th of November today, and we are back in the middle of another lockdown due to our continued fight against the spread of Covid 19. I can honestly say that if it had not been for the allotment, I am not sure that Sue and I would have made it to this point with our sanity intact. Not only has it given us somewhere to go, it has kept us in touch with other people, albeit at distance. 

I have not posted here as much as I had intended to do at the outset, mainly because we have had our heads down sorting the allotment and our back garden at home. Now, with a whole season of growing under our belt, we are planning the 2021 season. This coming year will be a lot different. We have time to prepare, acquire seeds and get the plot ready. 

We also have more space, after agreeing to take on an abandoned plot that had fruit trees that have been left or years to grow wild. Another new addition to our armoury are the two greenhouses we have managed to rebuild at home. One will be a 'production house' enabling us to be able to grow most of our plants here and just take them to the plot ready to plant. The greenhouse at the plot will be used to grow chillies and the tomatoes, if all goes to plan, will be grown in a small poly-tunnel that was gifted to us by a neighbouring plot holder.