Tuesday, September 24, 2024

It has been a while...

When we first took on a plot, I had planned to document our progress visit by visit as I have done in the past, with my other blogs. As you have probably worked out by now, that didn't happen here!

Several things happened to put paid to that. Our home-life changed, Covid made supplies difficult, and after telling ourselves that we would not get too involved in the running of anything once we had moved out of London, we ended up as Site Managers, and generally helping out on the other sites in the association. After our home life started taking more of our time than we could spare, something had to give. At that point we had to take a step back. we resigned from the management of the site and decided to concentrate on our plot. Last year we just gave up on the plot. At that point we knew we could not carry on keeping all the balls in the air. This past year we have spent what time we had, getting the plot back to where we wanted it - producing vegetables for the table.  We are now there and I feel I can get back to writing this blog again.

Over the next few weeks I will be posting lots of pictures and talking about the way we do things. Some blog posts will be reports of what we are up to at the time, others will be talking about our take on allotmenting and growing in general, both as it is now and how it has changed over the decades that we have been involved.

Happiness is a nice healthy compost. 

Our plot has now been with us for a few years and this past year we feel that we have eventually got to grips with it. We also have some help. Our home life dictates that Sue and I cannot be away from home together for more than a few hours, usually in the afternoon. A friend of ours and an ex plot holder, Roger, is now helping out with the day to day stuff and making sure the shortbread biscuits do not get stale.

We have lots of plans and changes in the pipeline which we will be talking about as they happen, rather than listing all the 'dreams' here and then having to try and live up to them. Been there, done that. The infrastructure is being worked on at the moment, rubbish is being cleared and systems are being implemented to make the running of the plot easier. We will also talk about preserving and cooking the crop, maybe even on the plot.   

We are on a journey that has already started. Along the way I will record it here for our own reference, but if you are interested in what we are doing, feel free to follow along.  


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